De Joya New Capital Egypt is a new mega-city project that is being constructed in the desert east of Cairo, Egypt. The project is intended to be an economic hub for the country and is estimated to cost $45 billion. It is being developed by China-based construction and engineering firm SinoPec, and is expected to be completed in 2025.
The city will have the capacity to house 7 million people, and will include infrastructure such as schools, universities, hospitals, hotels, shopping centers, a ministry complex, parks, sports fields, and industrial zones. In addition, it will have its own airport and railway station, making it a major transport hub.
De Joya is part of a larger plan by the Egyptian government to diversify the country's economy and create jobs in the process. It is hoped that the new city will generate over 1 million jobs for Egyptians and attract investors from around the world.
The project has received mixed reactions from the public, with some people concerned about the economic burden it might create and others noting the potential benefits it could bring if constructed properly and efficiently. Some have argued that the government should focus on improving existing cities before investing in a new one. Time will